How do I confirm my Henull account?
When you sign up or add an email address for purchase, we automatically send an email to confirm your email address.
Confirm your email address
Check your inbox for the email address associated with your Henull account. (If you have not received an email in that time frame, please remember to also check your junk or spam mail folders as well)
Look for a message with the subject line "Confirm your Henull account".
Open the email and click "Confirm your email address" Please check your spam filters to ensure emails from this site get through. Emails from this site are sent from [email protected]
Change the password to log in for the next time.
If you don't receive the email, check your spam folder, and check that you entered the correct email address.
Confirm email is the email which you fill in BILLING DETAILS at Checkout. Also, please verify that you entered a valid email address in our form.
Don't receive a confirmation email?
Do not worry! Here is something you can try.
Please check the following:
Your spam folder: If the email landed there then please mark the email as “not spam”.
For Gmail users: You can find the email to confirm your email address here.
You may not receive a confirmation email if you use Yahoo mail. Please contact us for assistance.
Check that you are using the correct email. If you have various emails, you might be using the wrong one.
If your inbox is full, you have several options:
If your inbox is full, you won't be able to send or receive new messages. To make room in your inbox, try emptying your junk folder by right-clicking Junk Email > Delete all.
You can also use Sweep to remove unwanted email from your inbox or archive folders. Sweep lets you automatically delete all incoming email from a particular sender, keep only the latest message from that sender, or delete email from that sender that's older than 10 days. Select a message you want to sweep and select Sweep.
Saving photos and documents to OneDrive/Google Drive is another good way to make room in your inbox.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to let us know. Please contact us via live chat we are ready to help.
Last updated