How to setup Henull Desktop App in Mac OS?

In this guide, we will walk through all the steps you need to set up Henull App in macOS.

Step 1: Download Henull App

This link will download the App to your computer.

Step 2: Move Henull App to your Applications folder

  • This is a very common step that we follow in MacOS after installing any application.

  • Simply Drag and Drop the Henull App to Application Folder.

Step 3: Open and Start using the App

  • This is the final step, you need to visit the Applications folder, find Henull App.

  • Right-click on the app and select the "Open" option.

  • This will open the app and start running.

Once the Henull app is installed, run Henull app and keep it open while using our system apps. Then login to your Henull account, go to the PURCHASED, click the Tools tab and click on the Application button to use it.

Step 4: In case if you receive any warning

Bypass “Apple cannot check it for malicious software” Error and Open Apps

  • Please click on OK

  • Then go to Settings -> Security & Privacy -> General -> Open Anyway

If you see any warning message about Henull app

The warning is not shown for everyone but for a few users depending on system preferences, they can be a warning of "App was downloaded from an unidentified developer..." please select Open and run the app if this warning appears.

  • To solve this, simply go to System Preferences click on Security & Privacy.

  • On Security & Privacy in General tab under Allow apps download from: you’d see “HEnull-x64.dmg” was blocked from opening because it is not from an identified developer. Click Open Anyway next to this text.

  • It will as for your confirmation. Click Open. On next page click Continue once again. Henull Installer will open up. Click Continue. On next page click Continue once again. On License Agreement, pop-up click Agree.

  • On Installation Type click Install. Installer will install Henull on your Mac and when done you’d see The Installation was successful. Click Close to finish the installation process and close the installer.

If you face any other issues, please reach out to support and we will be responding to you ASAP!

Remember to use Chrome as this browser contains the functionality needed for ANY product to function as intended. Safari does not support.

Last updated