What is a One Time/Lifetime Deal?
We often get the question of “What does one time/lifetime deal mean? That’s a great question!
One Time/Lifetime Deal is a term that usually refers to subscriptions to SaaS (software as a service) products, a lifetime deal is a special offer for customers. It allows them indefinite access to your product or tool as long as it is still functioning and available.
Here’s what a "one time/lifetime deal" really means
Once you purchase and redeem a lifetime deal, you have access to that tool for the lifetime of the product. As long as the tool is still available, the partner has agreed you’ll have access to it 🎉
While we’d love to be able to guarantee that your purchase will last forever, as a third-party reseller, we can’t always control what happens on the partner side of the things. This average lifetime of a product of this nature and price to be supported is approximately 2 years.
The support period for one time/lifetime deal transactions is approximately 2 years. After 2 years, you will not receive support if the product is faulty or stops working.
For deal under 2 years, your payment will be prorated. After deducting the corresponding time you have used, we will refund the left to your wallet/points.
Of course we always try to pick products that we think have long-term staying power. Our recommendation is that if the product meets or even exceeds your expectations and is worth way more than you paid for it, hold onto it and hope that it only continues to get better (in the overwhelming majority of cases, it does)!
Last updated